Travel and Run: A Trip to PCB

rather run on the beach, or on the pavement?  Or would you rather head to the mountains for a trail run?  For me its all and anywhere, however this trip was a week in Panama City Beach Florida.  Other than our flights being delayed here and there and being held due to the airlines getting behind the trip was wonderful.  Sure I love to lift weights and keep a good training regimen but over the course of a weeks vacation I prefer to embrace the local exercise situation which involved body boarding, snorkeling, & walking and jogging the beach.  I did however crave that “pounding of the pavement” so I ventured on the the very busy and entertaining street of Front Beach Road a few different mornings.  There is just something about getting your sweat on first thing in the morning that helps wake you up and re-set you for the day!

Let’s start with our stay at the Aqua. All the following are a 1/2 a mile from your resort: Target, Gulf World, Shuckums (seafood by day, all ages karaoke bar by night), a liquor store, Pier Park (shopping, entertainment area) and a pier that is open 24/7 to fishermen and onlookers.  It’s a perfect location!  With Gulf Coast condos we woke up daily watching the dolphins swim from the pier towards our condo and beyond.  The crowds at the beach were never overwhelming and you also have access to Sharky’s & Barefoot Hideaway for a quick beach side walk for a frosty drink.

When your not walking or running the sandy beaches I HIGHLY recommend my top 2 beach day ever.. a FULL DAY trip to Shell Island.  I have used Lagoon Pontoon 3 times now and they are great.  You can rent wave runners all the way up to a double decker pontoon with 2 slides off the back for the kids (ummm..and us adults too).  One side of the Island is a peaceful bay where dolphins visit and you can snorkel for starfish, sea life and sand dollars.  If you park at the Bama Breezeway inlet you can walk around 400 m across to the Gulf Side and enjoy larger shells and bigger waves.  It will really make your trip to Panama City Special.

LASTLY. ENGAGEMENT!  Yes, I got engaged on this trip to Roger, my Strong, hardworking, Leo man.  Now i’m not a person who reads daily horoscopes BUT We are both Leo’s born a day apart..and 3 years.  After celebrating my birthday August 3rd, his the 4th, he decided August 5th would be a GREAT day to get engaged and guess what?  August 6th is a Saturday…and our wedding date!   Before I go, let me tell you about where the engagement happened.  It was around 20 minutes west of Panama City in what is known as 30A, Rosemary Beach.  This area is less busy and is known for quieter beaches along the coast.  One service I’d recommend would be “Seas The Day” Beach Service in Rosemary Beach for an evening bonfire.  We brought pizza, a full cooler and of course, someone brought a diamond ring and champagne:). Happy travel, happy running!

Inspiring Girls, Especially Redheads!

Another personal trainer and myself got together and started offering FREE workouts in the Park on Saturday Mornings. It has been 7 years since I’ve lead live classes at the park, so it was a trip back to memory lane!  After my 2 kids started getting involved in spring ball, travel ball and ball ball things got very hectic and it was hard for me to keep up with LIVE workout classes.  But it’s summertime baby, and my kids are getting older so here we are, back at the Park!

Edgewood Park is a beautiful park on the south side of Madrid.  Madrid is a small town located just 20 minutes north of the Des Moines metro area.  It’s a convenient drive for FREE Saturday classes for anyone in the central Iowa area and is just a few blocks off of the High Trestle Trail!  We opened up our FREE workouts to the community and anyone passing through as we have learned through experience that surrounding yourself with like minded people will help hold you accountable and keep you consistent in your workouts!

So yes, the two girls in the picture I posted are also redheads.  They are the daughters of two awesome ladies that have been attending our workouts. I was so inspired by them and just jumping in and getting the workout in!  They did not skip a beat and I made sure to follow along with them the first round so they would gain some confidence in the moves that we were doing.  I always try to find a way to connect with other redheads in the hopes to helping them to feel empowered for who they are!  Being a redhead myself, I know what it’s like to grow up “different” and it wasn’t easy being different.  But over the years I learned to embrace it and use it as my SUPERPOWER!  So this is how I try to help other fellow redheads.  Different isn’t bad, it makes us special and makes us more resilient!  Thanks for the workout and pics ladies!

Our First Triathlon since 2019: Iowa Games Sprint

You can’t NOT do a triathlon when it’s 8 minute from your home right? Is it scary doing something you don’t do all the time, yes, but guess we did anyway!  Why?  Because life is too short to lay in bed and think about doing “it”, you gotta take action each and every day!  

Iowa Games has been an Iowa tradition since 1987.  The mission of the Iowa Games is “to provide sports and recreation opportunities for all Iowans through Olympic-style festivals, events and programs.”  I am unsure what year I first participated in the Iowa Games but I ran 100m hurdles and 400 m hurdles.  I believe it may have been either the first of 2nd year so I would have been, oh, 13?  That sounds about right.  Anyway, I’ve participated off and on over the years and in more recent years I’ve been doing the Iowa Games Sprint Triathlon.  I HIGHLY recommend this triathlon for a first timer!  It is highly organized, the head of the event is very friendly and welcoming and all the volunteers have always been so helpful!  Even one of the vendors “loaned” me my bib waist band since I forgot mine at home.  whaaaa whaaa whaaaaaaa.  Newbie award haha.  

Quick Race Recap!  I wasn’t in the best “shape” for this tri as we only did one open water 20 min. practice swim about a week before the race.  We planned on doing another open swim but it rained all week, not just rain but hail and lightning, I’m not afraid to swim in the rain, it’s actually kind of fun!  So anyway, showed up just in time to get our bike checked in and to realized we both forgot our belts for our numbers.  Why do you want a belt?  Because you don’t want to have to take the time to pin your number on your shirt while transitioning from biking to running.  While triathloning…if that’s a word, you are marked with numbers on your arms and legs, because who wants to swim with a number pinned to their belly.  This is when I spotted a tent with race gear and they just happened to have a number belt for me to borrow.  As Iowa nice goes, they trusted me to come back after the race and pay for it, which I did.  (so if you need a belt, now I have 2).

The race itself went smooth as a baby’s butt.  It was cloudy at the beginning as it had rained earlier that morning but the water temperature was around 10 degrees warmer than the air, which made getting in and swimming the 400 ver comfortable.  Even after exiting the water, the air didn’t feel too bad on the bike.  I probably could have hurried a bit more during transition from swim to bike, but ya know..I was trying to just keep it under control and not get too crazy!  After taking off on the bike I noticed a decent cross wind from the north and a lil head wind, but nothing to call home about.  I just knew once we turned around, the wind would be more at our back and it would be a speedier trip back to transition.  

Once I got back to the transition to switch from my bike to run, again, probably could have been in a little more of a hurry (didn’t really care until I saw I missed 4th in my age group by 2 seconds) but it was my first tri in awhile so was just their for a workout (I say, but end up competing and pushing harder:). The run was not too bad.  It always feels so weird coming off the bike and into a run.  My 5k pace was a 9 min. pace.  I know I can do better than that but was just trying to FINISH.  I had done a full body workout the day before so I know my legs were not well rested, that’s my excuse for a slower run pace!  So anyway, finished 5th in my age group and was a little slower then the last time I did the tri BUT I had just done an Coeur D’ Alene Ironman 70.3 in the Idaho Mountains so yeah…I was in more of a tri shape!!

What’s the difference between a SPRINT and Ironman 70.3?  Just a lil:). But a sprint is where to start!  Olympic is the next step then Ironman!

Sprint: 400 m run, 12 mile bike, 5k (3.2mi) run

Olympic: .93 swim, 24.8 mile bike, 6.2 mile run

Ironman 70.3: 1.2 mi swim, 56 mile bike, Half Marathon (13.1 mile) run

Interested in 1 on 1 Run or Triathlon Coaching?  Join my TRAIN WITH PURPOSE PROGRAM and apply today!


Can you say HILLS, hills, and more hills?   This was of course after being powered on mimosas and bacon, but who’s tracking that when your away on a girls trip!  Even though we may be taking a break doesn’t mean that I take a break from MOVING.  Now with the Ozarks being hilly, a mental adjustment is made to go off of time and heart rate, not mileage.  Day 1 we actually got 4 miles in of jog walking.  We stay near the city of Camdenton which boasts our favorite local on the lake bar called The Naughty Fish.  It’s a great mix up to our floating afternoons and is always fun to catch some live music, some rum runners and some dancing!  More family friendly posts about things to do in Camdenton HERE!

Day 2 Started off with a 3 miler.  Let’s just say those hills are BOOTY BURNERS, so our legs were a lil weak!  But again, daily movement.  We went from 60 minutes our first day, to 40 minutes day 2.  Jessie and I had quite a laugh while trying to survive the hills..she’s like ‘I AM DYING’, I said you ARE being powered by mimosas and bacon!  Anyway.  No matter where you are, use what you have, to be your best.  Don’t be afraid to adjust your workouts and as always, exercise can help you wake up, detox, SWEAT and increase your energy to enjoy the day!  Happy Vacationing!

Holy Humidity.

Just when I thought I was in a good routine, BAM! 90% humidity snuck up on me and I could barely make 3 miles..what the heck!?  Summer is always a good reminder of how our heart rate can change so quickly with the heat and humidity.  Camo my Australian Shepard and I had the same thoughts..I can’t breathe!  Each time I’d start to jog my heart rate shot through the roof!  Did you know that HUMIDITY can drastically add layers of difficulty to your run?  I didn’t realize the humidity was at 81% when I left for my run the other day.

Relative humidity doesn’t become a factor until around 40%.  Below this your run will be comfortable.  For example a 75 degree day with no humidity can feel like 69 but add 100% humidity to that 75 degree day and it will feel like 80.

When temps go from 75-90 degrees your heart rate can increase from 10-20 beats per minute.  WOW right!  This def. made me feel better about today’s run.  If your looking for a quality workout you have a few options in the summer heat. 1.  Go early or 2. Opt for the treadmill.  I know for me, I will always opt to go outside.  What would you choose?

Lake Okoboji: IOWA

A few weeks ago we celebrate my parents 50th Wedding Anniversary! 50 years people! I’m not even 50 yet and can’t imagine! Of course after my divorce almost 5 years ago, I’m at -5 years but ya know what?  I am HAPPY and have two wonderful redheads and an awesome boyfriend named Roger.  (that will be a blog for another day).  This Anniversary celebration was special as the whole family spent time together in Okoboji and had a wonderful stay at The Fillenwarth Beach Resort!  The resort was PERFECT for families of all ages.  Shaded, a pool close to all the cabins, a playground, grills and what surprised me the most was their FREE nightly cruises and ski lessons you could sign up for. What a wonderful place! Mom and dad even had a place in the lodge right on the lake near the dock, beach entry, and area to lay out over the lake.  PERFECT.

OF COURSE, even though I was gone for the weekend, Roger and I got our runs done.  Our first run was down to the STATE PIER at Arnolds Park.  It’s a small jog down from Fillenwarth Beach but we continued our run back out to the main road then worked our way back through some local lodging.  WE made it only 2 miles our first morning as we took the first pic on the doc and did some other site seeing before heading out for Skyler, my daughters FREE water ski lesson thanks to Fillenwarth Beach!

After a day of celebration we took off in another direction on day 2 at the lake and headed towards the Great Lakes Spine Trail that you can catch near THE RITZ (a bar and grill favorite of mine on the lake).  This trail take you over a lovely bridge and winds you back behind the condos to a wooded trail.  A great out and back run from Fillenwarth Beach.  If I had my bike that weekend, I would have been able to go much further but breakfast was being served that am!  

KEEP RUNNING, KEEP TRAVELING.  Feel good on vacation with 30 minute workouts!  Grab a copy HERE of 5 bodyweight workouts you can add before or after your walk/runs/bikes/hikes!

92 Years Young.  My Grandma Zola.

After getting back from a short vaca, my allergies decided to kick in. With the TRESTLE HUSTLE Duathlon 1 mile from my house, I still had to participate.  I did reframe this race before heading out just telling myself to FINISH was my goal (but as a competitive person, I knew better).  Once that gun went off I was all in, but at a comfortable pace.  This duathlon is put on my The Boone County Hospital Foundation and my wonderful friend Sarah is in charge of it.  They do a wonderful job of organizing this 2 mile run-13 mile bike-2 mile run.  I wanted to show my support and make it this year because I’ve been out of town and missed it the past 5 years.

So, race recap.  I had allergies, a virus, something that was keeping me up hacking for a few nights but I went anyway.  Telling myself to worry about myself and not compete, just do me.  This was the mantra for the race.  The first 2 miles was actually slower for me than the last 2 miles but that is the norm.  When we started, I noticed a few “spring chickens” sprinting ahead of me but noting they were not in my age group, that I could tell:). Anyone else scope this out while racing?   After holding my own on run 1 I hopped on my bike and started my 13 mile trek.  My coughing actually picked up on my run but I wasn’t trying to do anything spectacular but finish, that was the GOAL.  After passing a few ladies on the bike I continue at my pace worrying about nobody but myself.  Considering how i felt I placed first in my age group and 4th overall. I was happy with this effort and look forward to competing in the Iowa Games Triathlon coming up in July!  Do you enjoy running or have you ever tried a Duathlon or Triathlon before?  

WHY did I do this run?  Because I knew I’d workout anyway even if not feeling the best.  Usually the only time I skip workouts while sick is if I’m running a fever.  BUT, you should always listen to your body!  

I was sick and I still raced.

After getting back from a short vaca, my allergies decided to kick in. With the TRESTLE HUSTLE Duathlon 1 mile from my house, I still had to participate.  I did reframe this race before heading out just telling myself to FINISH was my goal (but as a competitive person, I knew better).  Once that gun went off I was all in, but at a comfortable pace.  This duathlon is put on my The Boone County Hospital Foundation and my wonderful friend Sarah is in charge of it.  They do a wonderful job of organizing this 2 mile run-13 mile bike-2 mile run.  I wanted to show my support and make it this year because I’ve been out of town and missed it the past 5 years.

So, race recap.  I had allergies, a virus, something that was keeping me up hacking for a few nights but I went anyway.  Telling myself to worry about myself and not compete, just do me.  This was the mantra for the race.  The first 2 miles was actually slower for me than the last 2 miles but that is the norm.  When we started, I noticed a few “spring chickens” sprinting ahead of me but noting they were not in my age group, that I could tell:). Anyone else scope this out while racing?   After holding my own on run 1 I hopped on my bike and started my 13 mile trek.  My coughing actually picked up on my run but I wasn’t trying to do anything spectacular but finish, that was the GOAL.  After passing a few ladies on the bike I continue at my pace worrying about nobody but myself, until a woman passed me, then decided to coast for 1/4 mile.  Now if you know me, you do NOT pass me, unless you plan on keeping up that pace!  Come on!  It’s the transition area..lets finish hard lol!

We headed back for our last two miles and the same lady, passed me immediately on the run, until I passed her, for the 3rd time.  I PROMISE, I was just running MY race!  HEHE.  Considering how I felt I placed first in my age group and 4th overall. I was happy with this effort and look forward to competing in the Iowa Games Triathlon coming up in July!  Do you enjoy running or have you ever tried a Duathlon or Triathlon before?  

WHY did I do this run?  Because I knew I’d workout anyway even if not feeling the best.  Usually the only time I skip workouts while sick is if I’m running a fever.  BUT, you should always listen to your body!  


Do you have a “routine” for what days of the week you do long runs, tempo runs, track workouts, fartleks (Swedish for speed play) etc.???  

*On Mondays I teach my 30 MINUTE VIRTUAL WORKOUT CLASS, then usually follow it up with a recovery run (3 miles easy)

*On Tuesday it’s a heavy upper body workout followed by the TRACK or TEMPO run

*Wednesday’s I teach my 30 MINUTE VIRTUAL WORKOUT CLASS, then an easy 5 miles.

*Thursdays: STRICTLY STRENGTH, heavy lower body workout and bike ride to follow



*Sundays are for cross-training!  Easy run, biking, hiking, etc.!

SO.  This is just a blueprint that I follow.  Does it ALWAYS go this way?  NOPE!  Sometimes I bike in the evening?  Sometime I have to switch days, but it’s always a good idea to have a FOUNDATION to your training.  It’s like if you don’t know where you going, how are you ever going to get there?  I can help!  If you need accountability and consistency in your training, you can always join my AT HOME WORKOUTS or ask me about my Run Training Program called RUN WITH PURPOSE!  Look HERE for my blog about all the different types of way to train for a longer and faster run!

A Wave Washed Over Me

Do you ever find yourself in extreme gratitude smack dab in the middle of a run? This was an extremely HOT run. The wind was at my back so I would take a break every little bit to turn around and just breathe in the breeze.  It was a tough 6 miles!  June in Iowa can be downright HOT & HUMID.  We hit the 90’s and 100’s early this year!  Anyway, I’ve been through tough stuff.  I think the toughest mentally was the Ironman 70.3 in Idaho. They said it was “rolling hills” but being from Iowa they were MOUNTAINS.  The toughest thing mentally and physically I’ve been through is my divorce.  Not necessarily the actual DIVORCE itself, but the events leading up to the divorce.  Mentally your beat down and physically, depression and anxiety can make your body SICK and ACHE.  But guess what?  I ran my way through that too!!  I am STRONG and are you.  YOU just have to believe in yourself!!  This is where my gratitude washed over me today.  I believe in life you work for what you want.  

I am grateful for my work ethic to keep working out, and working for the best I can get.  My masters, my National Board Cert., my Personal Trainer Certs.  etc.  These are “things”.  More important is that I am not afraid to work on ME.  Without this work, I wouldn’t be able to give the best of me to my kids!  And without working on ME, I wouldn’t have found the AWESOME man, Roger, in my life.  You’ve got to put in the work and do the “hard” things like get up early to workout, run, walk, bike, work on your positive brainwork be it blogging, meditation, journaling, etc.  Hard work makes for an easier life, take the easy road and life will be HARD.  It’s up to you!!!  

What are in your life do you need more work?  Face it head on and do not FEAR!  Fear will steal your happiness away if you let it!


for runners, moms, teachers and people that breathe oxygen..HEHE:)

I am going on two years of teaching workouts AT HOME, VIRTUALLY! 3 Days a week I head out to my #garagegym and lead people LIVE (and recorded) through 30 minute high/low intensity strength training.  Today’s workout was a bodyweight workout on the deck!  All levels, all ages. I have never been so consistent in my strength training as I am now. Once I added strength training my running I finally qualified for the Boston Marathon!  (we will talk about that hamstring tear that kept me from running it later :(


They are convenient.  I can have my workout DONE in the time I would have driven to the gym

They are cheap!  A personal trainer, on the tips of your fingers, in a group setting! ($35/mo for my membership FYI)

COMMUNITY!  Even though your at home you have a LIVE community waiting for you, making you more accountable! ( other programs are in it to sell you the products, AND the are not certified coaches, AND they don’t know if you’ve hit PLAY day in and out)

NUTRITION GUIDANCE (I help you with your Macros/Meal Prep/Management of your FUEL

MOTIVATION, I help you get and stay motivated by teaching you HOW you can help yourself!

FUN.  I am FUN people:). I have a dorky happy go lucky gal thankful to be here day in and day out to help YOU!

Wanna give it a try?  JOIN US!!!  I want to get HAPPY & HEALTHY!!

My BEST Race Ever!

As a runner we know the most AWESOME race to run is BOSTON. You have to qualify in a certain time for your age and I finally did! Then 7 weeks before the race, I tore my hamstring. YEP. Fell right off my bike into the yard trying to pop a wheelie over my neighbors driveway with my road bike. SMART RIGHT?  Well I’ll detail that hamstring later, today I want to talk about the QUAD CITIES MARATHON!  I love this marathon.  It’s flat, friendly and the perfect size, not too big, not too small.  When I crossed the finish line that day I had NO idea how well I had done, which is really the best way to run a race I think, NO PRESSURE!

During the first half marathon I kept telling myself, slow down slow down, don’t use all of your energy up on your first half.  I kept going and kept feeling stronger and stronger!  The weather was overcast at the start but as we neared the 20 mile mark the sun started to peek through and things got HOT, quick!  But slow and steady wins the race right!  So as I pushed my way through the past few miles I knew I was on pace to run my qualifying pace but I actually ended up beating it by 10 minutes! My final time was 3:45. 45 which placed me as the 1oth Overall Woman.  I won $300.00 and got a nice crystal plaque, I was shocked!   What a great day.

IF you plan on heading to the Quad Cities to race the best place to stay is the Stoney Creek Hotel-Quad Cities Moline. Quiet rooms, great breakfast options, and only a a few blocks from the start which makes it a great walk to warm up!  It’s also just a few blocks from the Fitness Expo and some great food options with my favorite being Johnny’s Italian Steak House, boasting great food and awesome mixed drinks!  CHEERS!

The High Trestle Trail: A Central Iowa Favorite!

I have had the blessing of having this wonderful trail, in my back yard. I can’t believe it’s been there now for over 10 years! The High Trestle Trail Boasts a half-mile, 13 stories high pedestrian bridge (seen behind me). What’s even cooler is that it lights up at 9:00 during the summer! My 5 mile run from my home and back takes me right to the middle of this beautiful high bridge.  If you have a young family, the best place to start would be with a .75 mile walk from QF Lane just west of Madrid.  Make sure you take time to read the rules of the trail, that area can get busy during the peak months of summer!

If you are looking for more of an adult bike ride that highlights some of the fun stops along the trail, a Good “beginner route” would be to park at the FLAT TIRE Lounge parking area and head west to Woodward’s very own Whistlin Donkey and back which would be close to an 11 mile bike ride.  Be sure to check the "Sunday Funday” schedule for live music!  If your in for a more moderate ride, start in Woodward, head east to Madrid and be sure to stop in the Flat Tire then continue heading east to Slater’s very own Nite Hawk Bar and Grill.  They’ve got a great menu and don’t forget to try the fresh salsa!

Wanna get ready for a longer crazy day of fun!  Start at he trailhead in Ankeny, Iowa and head west to all of the fun stops I listed above!   There is a great brewery you can start at in Ankeny called the Firetrucker.  Don’t forget to start off with a cool Iowa beer there!

Read This Quote 3x’s

What would doing life easy but making hard look like to you? Flip it around..what would doing the “hard” things look like that would make your life easy?   Getting up early for a run?  Takin the time to learn to prep your food?  Tracking your workouts?  Taking time to work on personal development by reading books or choosing to listen to a podcast on the way to work?  Are these things really HARD?  Not really.  It just take a little focus on your part and it doesn’t have to all be done at once!  Just choose 1 thing to focus on until it becomes a habit.  

It was around 4 years ago I started planning my meals ahead of time, now it’s something that I don’t even have to think about!  The same goes for getting MOST of my workouts done before I head off to school.  In time it just becomes a part of who you are.  The EASY things are sleeping in, not working out, eating out all the time, staying up late etc.  If your wanting to start taking small actionable steps towards a happier and healthier you, click HERE to grab my begin to run/strength program and get started today.  If this isn’t where you want to start, you can click HERE for my FREE FITNESS ACCOUNTABILITY collective where you can find more inspiration, recipes and motivation to make those HARDER choice that will make your life easier!

I am a Hurdler

From 7th-college, I ran 100m hurdles, 400m hurdles, and shuttle hurdles with a few 400’s thrown in here and there (oh yeah, I also took up javelin throwing in college too, even had the record for a time). Little did I know the life lessons hurdling would teach me. Hurdles in life are little things thrown in our way, that we don’t expect, making us feel like we have to keep going over or around obstacles that get in the way of us reaching our goals.  Sometimes WE can be that hurdle.  Like we know what we SHOULD be doing but we haven’t connected a compelling enough story with emotion to WHY we should be doing that thing.

As a hurdler, we learn how to most quickly go OVER that hurdle and guess what happens when you are a NEW tend to stop with fear, put on the brakes and sit there and STARE at that hurdle and say things like “I can’t do that!” “that’s Impossible, “are you crazy!” “no way I can get over that”. And guess what happens?  I keep making the athlete come to that hurdle, over and over again until they get brave enough to jump over it.  The first few times it’s NOT pretty!  Whether a knee is bumped, we stumble or fall or simply look pretty odd going over that hurdle, PROOF is there that indeed, they can go over the hurdle!

As the season (or life) continues, we get better at going over those hurdles.  We approach these new hurdles as a familiar feeling of doubt, but with experience we learn that we can do hard things, we can find away around or over these hurdles and we all know what happens when that hurdle is cleared?  WE FEEL proud of ourselves as our confidence improves so do we.  Learn to welcome these hurdles in life.  Things aren’t always going to be easy, and sometimes you may feel you in a never ending race with no lack of hurdles in sight, but stay in your lane, stay the course, and you too will cross that finish line.  

Whether your trying to make your marriage work, or your battling depression or anxiety, or maybe your a new mom trying to find a balance between life and work, this is YOUR journey and I know you have what it takes to learn how to overcome that hurdle to become a stronger more independent you!!  If your having problems overcoming these hurdles, sometimes reaching out to a group or a friend who has been there is all you need. If this is the case, join our FREE FITNESS ACCOUNTABILITY COLLECTIVE and join the conversations, we are a friend here to help.

Running in Rochester!

Wouldn’t it be great to click on a map on a specific city and find out where the BEST running trails and food experience are?  That’s one of the reasons I’ve started this blog, so you too could more easily find access to cities across the world running trails and beautiful views and food!  Why Rochester?  VOLLEYBALL..yes!  My daughter plays volleyball in the winter and each year we travel north twice.   With all of that sitting and watching I’ve got to MOVE that body so I can enjoy watching all of those volleyball games.  The HOME 2 SUITES have the perfect setting for a wonderful run as right outside its back yard you have access to the ZUMBRO bike trail that runs north or south through the city.  Running south takes you more on a scenic route along the river, over a bridge and by a lake, running north will give you a more urban setting running through the downtown enabling you to experience some of the sculpture and cityscape views Rochester has to offer.  I always prefer nature of city BUT since I have two mornings to run I get the best of both worlds!   Which one do you prefer?

What’s Your Super Power?

As a redhead I feel like it was tougher for me to figure out my super power.  I mean, I do know that I’ve always been good at talking..which is why I’m currently looking at adding a podcast to my realm of skills.  But beyond talking what else?  I knew I could run faster than a lot of the boys in my class when was younger that that actually gave me my first sense of confidence and self-esteem as a pale freckly redhead.  I know it could be worse, but in your own little elementary universe I never felt like I fit in.  This is why RUNNING has been such a super power to me!  

First the Howe School Relays as a young gal racing the boys, to learning how to run hurdles in junior high track to qualifying for the state track meet in 100h and 400h in high school. Man stepping on that blue oval at the DRAKE RELAYS meant so much to me and bolstered me forward into running in college and continuing after college doing all the local 5k’s, to 10k’s, half and full marathons all the way to triathlons.  This is where my super power lies.  Getting out there and running.  Which I guess translates to perseverance, and GRIT and the ability to motivate myself.

So…what is your super power?  How do you identify this?   Ask yourself:

What do I do well?

Who do I admire and why?

Ask people close to you what your good at

Write down your proudest accomplishments.

Have you figured it out yet?

Let’s Talk Track Workouts

There is something profoundly different about stepping foot on a track.  Some people it may make nervous, some find peace and solitude and some are ready to turn up the heat and knock out some intervals, whatever it is for you at the beginning, will evolve into something you love.

WHY TRACK WORKOUTS.  They change the scenery for you, they challenge the way you look at a workout, and can help you improve your speed, pace and confidence!  Track workouts will also help you balance hill workouts (because you should be doing these once a week if your trying to improve your speed) but will also help mix up the easy days with the longer days.

What Type of Track Workouts.  A few beginner track workouts that could be implemented includes running 1 mile timed (4 laps on a standard track), Run 1 lap (400) walk a 100 x 3 or 4.  Run the straight-a-ways on the track, walk the curves for 4 laps.  You could also run a 200, walk a 200 for 1 to 2 miles depending on your current run status (jump to blog post #29 for HOW FAST SHOULD BEGINNER RUN).  You could also do Classic 400’s which includes a 400 m run followed by a 400 m walk.  Beginners start with 2 or 3, intermediate runners start with 4-5 and gradually build each time you visit the track!  There are a lot more workouts where these came from but let’s just start here first.  Don’t forget to cool down by jogging a lap followed by walking!

Track Etiquette.  Before you start running in circles here are a few tips you should know!  Most tracks have 6-8 lanes with the inside lanes 1-3 for running and the outside lanes for walking.  1 lap is usually 400 meters which means 4 laps equals 1 mile.  The directions ran on the track is usually counterclockwise.  Make sure to read any posted signs/rules.  Now that your up to speed..hehe…it’s time to try a track workout!  If you do, please tag me #trainwithfire on Instagram! or join us in our PRIVATE FREE FITNESS ACCOUNTABILITY GROUP HERE!

Master Your Mornings, Change Your Life

Do you have a morning routine or does hitting the snooze buttons, finally rolling out of bed only to forget you were supposed to bake cookies the night before, while leaving a wet pile of laundry on your floor after spilling your coffee in a rush to get your kids out of bed.  This just stressed me out typing it!  If this sounds like you, maybe a morning filled with at least a 30 min workout, after you got out of bed and rinsed your face with a refreshing splash of cold water sounds more controlled.  Of course if your going to be the master of your morning you’ll be able to workout from the convenience of your own home, giving you the ability to make a family connection before leaving and even maybe leaving a little space for writing in that gratitude journal or if you commute, time to listen to that uplifting podcast.

If this sounds like way too much for a morning, you are right, if that is what you choose to believe (but i know it’s not too much.)  It’s a habit of growth and change that you have to dig in for!  I know you too can master your mornings, if you really want to, but it will take some habit stacking and I’ve got a downloadable guide just for YOU!  You can grab it HERE.  

Why master your morning?  Mastering your morning can make you happier and put you ahead of the pack (the pack being your family or even other people chasing their goals!). Mastering your mornings makes your day more productive and having a solid morning routine helps set the tone for your entire day.  It also gives us the capability to feel like we are controlling our schedules and not our schedules controlling us, doesn’t that sound awesome!  And here are a few secrets for controlling your morning routine….shhh don’t tell:). But start the night before by going to bed early, laying your workout clothes out the night before,  and charging your phone across the room.  If you want more morning health hacks join my FREE FITNESS ACCOUNTABILITY COLLECTIVE HERE!

Keep Your Eye On The Prize

In the midst of a busy life, keeping your eyes on the prize can be a daunting task, especially after brining children into the world, working full time, coaching on the side, taking care of the house cleaning, laundry, groceries, budget, etc. etc.   But, it’s NOT impossible.  Just because you are all things doesn’t mean that you put yourself on the back burner, but it will be very important for you to find some quiet time to reflect on where you’ve been, what you really want (the PRIZE) and where you are going.  If you don’t start now, when will you?  As the days clip by the next thing you know you’ll be 50 and haven’t done a darn thing to fill your bucket!  Make time to make you happy and your entire family will benefit.  Drop the guilt, make some time and identify YOUR prize.

Where do. I start? Identify Your purpose or mission in life.  What’s important to you and how can you incorporate personal goals into your life.  Here comes the SMART goals!!  I know I know, but it’s a great acronym for what we need to do to reach goals!  Download the smart goal guide HERE fill it out, print it off and pin up where you can see it!

What is the PRIZE.  Well that all depends on YOU!  I can place my goals or prizes into different categories such as personal life, business and must do races.  I’m also in the midst of developing a travel goal in which i’m working through year to year (like when I turn 50 i’m going here..and so forth).  It also helps to know where you’ve been and where you want to go.  One of my largest run goals was to qualify for the Boston Marathon and to complete a half-ironman, which I have done.  Currently with my wedding coming up in August. the run goals are not as important at this time because I won’t have time to travel to Paris and run the marathon nor the New York marathon, but in the future?  YES.  Share with us on Instagram with #trainwithfire what prize you have YOUR eye on!  Or share it in our private FREE FITNESS ACCOUNTABILITY GROUP here (where you can find more goal setting guides and downloads!). Hope to see you on the other side soon!

Winter Running Tips: Opt Outside When You Can!

said boiling water flying into a beautiful plume of mist over your head?  It actually made for a great shot but dang it was cold cold that when I came in I discovered our downstairs shower pipe frozen in our 115 year old home.  Oh well, aren’t cold water showers a bio-hack and great recovery tool?   Maybe, but after running outdoors in the winter..sometimes all I want is some hot green tea and a soak in a hot tub.  This doesn’t mean I hate running outdoors in the winter, I actually enjoy the serenity of the trails as many people fear the cold and take it indoors all winter long…so many mornings and afternoons, it’s just the slight crunch of your feet, the gorgeous sunrises and sunset that come with the clear crisp winter temps and fact that your doing something that isn’t quite the most comfy, running during the winter solstice.

Here are some winter running tips you can start incorporating today!

  1. Layer up cowgirl!  YES.  layers are the KEY to being able to safely and comfortably knock out a winter run!  Check out this INSTAGRAM reel to see how my winter gear stacks on!  Layers listed in order (and linked to my FAVORITES. ) Sports bra, Base layer long sleeve, Athleta run tight, Feetures run socks, and a soft-shell water repellant jacket to keep you dry and block you from the wind.  Sometimes when the temps get even colder I’ll add an extra layer over the tights and jacket such as “wind pants” or a fleece vest.  For my head my new favorite is a $14.99 hat I got off of amazon that is a beanie with a rechargeable LED light!  I love it!  Sometimes if it’s extra windy I do put on an head band from Saucony to keep things extra covered.  Nothing is worse than running with the wind blowing in your ears.  Lastly you’ll want to grab a Mitt from Saucony while you are there that will keep your fingers toasty on those cold winter runs.  Now these can get too warm if it’s not super cold outside so I have another pair of more lightweight gloves from Dick’s Sporting Goods.

WHEW!!!  Don’t get me wrong, winter running can be magical but it makes me appreciate the summer days. of wearing a sports bra, tank tops and shorts…much easier!

Do You TRI?

about changing up your routine to keep things fresh and motivating.  WHY TRI?  Why not.  Triathlon training gives your body all of that cross training experience it needs to prevent you from injury.  Throughout triathlon training you you to vary your workout experiences by spending time on your bike, running different routes and finding interesting places to swim.  Completing a triathlon is also one of those things you can add to your finisher medal collection.  There is something to be said about stepping outside your comfort zone and experiencing something new!

Where to start?

First of all ask yourself.  Can I swim?  If not, reach out to a local pool for suggestions on private swim lessons (if your local to central Iowa, I am a certified swim instructor).  If you know you can swim but need to work on form or endurance, finding a pool to begin lap swimming is a great place to start!  Do you have a bike?  It doesn’t have to be anything special..this is your first tri so no need to go spend $4000 on a tri-bike.  I’m assuming at this point you’ve dabbled in running or consider yourself a runner.  If you haven’t ran lately, I suggest you begin with my Run With Purpose Project beginner 5k run training.  Once you’ve established the basics and have made the decision to TRI look for a local “sprint” tri.  These triathlons usually consist of a 400m swim (12-20 min) , a 12 mile bike ride followed by a 5k.  Great distances for a beginner for sure!

Find A Training Partner/Coach

Having someone by your side during your training can help with motivation and you comfort level.  I remember my first open water swims were a little nerve racking but knowing someone was out in the water with me keeping an eye out helped my comfort level a lot.  Even if they weren’t swimming with me it was nice to know they were on shore.  Usually an open water swim area marked by a rope is helpful in keeping you safer, along with a swim parter swimming back and forth along the water with you.  There are tips to open water swimming but we can discuss that in a future post!  Of course if this person is swimming with you they are probably and biking too. This doesn’t mean you have to stay together but you can go together for moral support, and. motivation!

To Show Yourself You Can Do Hard Things

Many times during triathlon training I encounter people on their own single track, looking to escape the reality of their situation.  Whether it be a loss of someone important in their life, a divorce, mental health struggles or even someone who has never been outside their comfort zone..there is something comforting in the tri community.  Just like that of a running community, there is a certain respect and camaraderie that comes with the territory of endurance training.  You learn a lot about yourself when you tri something different.  It changes how you look at yourself and empowers you more than you can imagine.  With improved self-esteem, and confidence in yourself and what your body can will bloom!


My very first triathlon was the BLUFF CREEK TRI, just north of Ogden, Iowa at Boone Counties Premier Lake Don Williams Lake.  Its a very friendly first timer venue, along with great organization and good people.  I would suggest this triathlon on August 14th (you have all summer to train) OR another local favorite the Iowa Games Triathlon, another wonderful venue that takes place a little earlier in the summer.  If you want to “get your feet wet” in the sport of triathlons, I’d start here  (as it’s Sunday July 10th) and aim for improve your showing by August’s Bluff Creek Tri!  Let me know if you plan to participate or would like to apply for Triathlon Coaching!

Time For Vitamin SEA!

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Treadmill Running

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Giddyap, RIDE TIME!

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Mother Daughter Run

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What’s Your Obsession?

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Don’t Flip Out, Have a Plan!

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Can HIIT Improve Your Running?

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Jump Around! Plyos for Runnners

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Run until you Run Happy

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Stretch..Do you do it?!

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Benefits of Exercising Outdoors

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Do You Have A System?

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Life is About CHOICES

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Accountability, Health or Run Coach?  You Pick.

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How Fast Should Beginners Run?

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You must make a choice, and take a chance or your life will never change.

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